#BoHoLover: Meet #winelover André Ribeirinho @andrerib

We have asked Chief Wine Evangelist André Ribeirinho of Food, Wine and Travel, to share his thoughts with us about his love for boutique hotels, and Amberlair, of course. And before you ask, a #BohoLover is a Boutique Hotel lover… just like us!

Amberlair Crowdsourced Crowdfunded Boutique Hotel - André Ribeirinho #winelover

How do you choose a hotel when you travel?

I use 3 main criteria:

  • Aesthetics: I’m into industrial and chic boutique hotels.
  • Location: next to food markets, parks or other nice areas.
  • Reviews: great recommendations from like minded people.

If you had to choose 3, which were the most special (boutique) hotels you have ever stayed at and what made them so special?

Convento de La Parra: No TVs, amazing ambiance, big rooms.

mberlair Crowdsourced Crowdfunded Boutique Hotel Convento De La Parra #BoHoLover: Meet André Ribeirinho @andrerib

Convento De La Parra in Spain. Photo by hotel.

Amberlair Crowdsourced Crowdfunded Boutique Hotel Convento De La Parra #BoHoLover: Meet André Ribeirinho @andrerib

Convento De La Parra in Spain. Photo by hotel.

Kong Arthur: A luxury hotel in the middle of Copenhagen.

Pazo de Altamira: Good value for money hotel next to the food market!

If you had your own boutique hotel, what 3 things would you make sure existed?

  • Lounge bar with great food options.
  •  Local food recommendations list and preferred booking options.
  • Amazingly comfortable beds.

Name 3 things you loved in hotels you stayed in before…

  1. Amazingly comfortable beds.
  2. Custom made eggs for breakfast.
  3. Personal recommendation service.

Amberlair Crowdsourced Crowdfunded Boutique Hotel - André Ribeirinho #winelover

Name 3 things you wouldn’t want to experience in a hotel ever again.

  1. Bad beds.
  2. Bad attitude.
  3. Bad breakfast.

How do you feel about the Amberlair concept?

Amberlair is focused on putting the consumer first and taking that concept a step further than anyone has ever did. Great potentially winning idea. Can’t wait to stay for the night in the first one!

Where are you off to next?

Rhone in France, Berlin in Germany and and then back to Rio de Janeiro in Brasil!

Amberlair Crowdsourced Crowdfunded Boutique Hotel - André Ribeirinho #winelover

André Ribeirinho is described in the wine business with many different titles and labels: Ambassador, Evangelist, Knight, Traveler, Founder and Strategist. Specifically, André runs Adegga, a Direct to Consumer Wine Marketplace that also organizes the Adegga WineMarkets, a series of consumer wine events in Europe. André’s company is responsible for such innovations in the wine industry as the AVIN and the SmartWineGlass. André is also a co-founder of the #winelover community and an unofficial ambassador for Port wine.

Keep up with André Ribeirinho on TwitterFacebook and Iconosquare.

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